Türkiye Sanal Havacılık Forumu

Dangerous Airport Tour 2013 BANNER CONTEST


  • Captain
  • *

  • IVAO ID: 248540

    • Posts: 1625
Hello everybody!

As you know, teh Flight Operations Team will soon release a new and more exiting Dangerous Tour for 2013. We now need your collaboration in the design of the Banner, that we will use on the Tour Website. 

As the last year, we will give you full freedom to create whatever you want, even if we kindly request you to stay in the topic: it is a Dangerous Airports Tour.   All kind of airplanes will be used in it: Light, Medium and Heavy.

The date limit to send your great designs will be February 15th 2013, at 1900Z.

Banners shouls be 600x300 pixels, although we reserve the right to resize then
IVAO will NOT be responsible from copyright violations. We will give you credit as the author of the banner and we will assume that pictures used are royalty free, owned or were get with author's permission. You might be asked by the author's agreement in case of being selected
Feel free to post as many submissions you want, but please, remember that the term expires February 15th, 2013 - 19.00 UTC.

Winner will be awarded with the Creativity Badge 

Use this forum post to show us your proposals, and please send a copy of them to fod@ivao.aero[/b] and foad@ivao.aero[/b].

Thanks in advance for your help!

Detaylı Bilgi için :http://forum.ivao.aero/index.php?topic=216345.0
IVAO TR Member