Türkiye Sanal Havacılık Forumu

IVAO-LAD position vacant


  • Captain
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  • IVAO ID: 205862

    • Posts: 2947
Dear members,

We would like to announce that the position of Assistant Director of the Logistics Department (IVAO-LAD) has become vacant.
Therefore, the submission period of candidatures for the position is open.

The candidate must meet the Senior Staff criteria as stated in the Rules & Regulations.

In particular, the candidate should:

- Have a deep knowledge of the organisation, its functioning and structure.
- Have leadership capacity and organisational skills.
- Have a clean suspension history.
- Have a fluent capability for speaking and writing in English.
 Have a big commitment with the organisation, its Rules and Regulations
and high availability due to the amount of work of the Department.
- Agreed to sign a Non Disclosure Agreement ( can be requested )
- Good knowledge of server management, Website, PHP, MySQL, Drupal, etc

In addition, previous experience as staff, be at Divisional or Senior level, would be an asset.

Candidates have to send a full motivation letter with CV by email to applications@ivao.aero. Please, do not include attachments to the email.
 will be accepted until 24:00z of Thursday 30th January 2014. The Board
of Governors will likely elect the new IVAO-LAD in its first meeting
after this date.

Chris Döhring
IVAO Webmaster

Güner Ercan

Turkey Division Director
IVAO Executive Assistant
IVAO Membership Advisor
IVAO Supervisor
International Virtual Aviation Organisation