Türkiye Sanal Havacılık Forumu

IVAO-EXEC4 and IVAO-EXEC5 Executive Council


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  • IVAO ID: 205862

    • Posts: 2947
Dear members,

The Board of Governors would like to announce that there is 2 positions vacant for the Executive Council (IVAO-EXEC).

Therefore, the submission period of candidatures for these positions is opened.

As stated in the IVAO Rules & Regulations, the candidate must fulfill the following basic requirements:

- Be, before the end of the submission of candidatures period, at least 21 years old (an ID prove could be requested in case of doubt).

- Be a member of IVAO for at least 6 months before the end of the submission of candidatures period.

In addition, more thorough previous experience as staff, be at Divisional or Senior level, would be an asset.
Candidates must be agreed to sign a NDA ( can be requested ).

The Executive Council is looking for dynamic and active members for these positions with a very high level of responsibility and commitment. Being active staff already would be an asset but, in case of being elected, it would be advisable, for transparency and practical reasons, to resign all other staff position/s the candidate may hold at present.

1. Executive Council

1.1) General responsibilities:

1.1.1) Distribution of all emails directed towards general email addresses to the responsible departments (as required).
1.1.2) Evaluation and adjudication of member suspensions.
1.1.3) Responsible for issuing the 'Spirit of IVAO' awards per the award requirements.
1.1.4) Review of all-user NOTAMs prior to sending and monitoring of divisional NOTAM.
1.1.5) Clarification of the rules and regulations (spelling and grammar).
1.1.6) Execution of rules and regulations of the network.

1.2) Responsibilities related to BoG:

1.2.1) Provide recommendations on candidates for senior department director and assistant director positions.
1.2.2) Recommendations for changes to R&R's.
1.2.3) Execution of BoG decisions.
1.2.4) Attend, at minimum, quarterly meetings with the BoG to discuss performance of the network.

1.3) Responsibilities related to divisions:

1.3.1) Opening/closing of divisions and official IVAO FIRs (OIFs).
1.3.2) Approval of Division Websites.
1.3.3) Administration of division directors and assistant directors.
1.3.4) Conflict resolution and mediation between divisions.
1.3.5) Liaise with divisions and conduct an annual review.

1.4) Responsibilities related to departments:

1.4.1) Coordination between departments.
1.4.2) Appointment and scanning of department advisers, based on recommendation for appointment and discharge of department advisers.
1.4.3) Liaise with departments and conduct a quarterly status meeting.

1.5) Responsibilities related to supervisors:

1.5.1) Evaluate, appoint, and remove supervisors.
1.5.2) Define guidelines for supervisor tasks.

The desired EXEC Council size is 5 Executive Council Members. They will be on equal working level and will, in cooperation with the BoG, arrange the division of their responsibilities.

Candidates have to send a motivation letter with a brief description of his/her IVAO career via email to vzw@ivao.aero
The Subject of the email has to be "EXEC position application". Please, do not attach documents to the email.

Candidatures will be accepted until 23:59 UTC of 10th of December, 2017.

Note: The present Council has developed a specific way of working in the sense of communicating and decision making on those issues that are at stake. These can be many, whereby there has to be a constant awareness of the importance and possible consequences of its decisions. There are particular cases were it is not always that easy to not only reach a consensus, but more important, the proper understanding and acceptance by the parties concerned.
Therefore, it is obvious to mention that these positions require a high demand of the needed skills and attitude. A more extensive interview may therefore be part of the application procedure.

On behalf of the Board of Governors.

Güner Ercan

Turkey Division Director
IVAO Executive Assistant
IVAO Membership Advisor
IVAO Supervisor
International Virtual Aviation Organisation